June 28, 2010: loss of cobblestone texture, cracks around nostrils that often bled.
May 31, 2010:
February 9, 2010:
January 19, 2010:
August 1, 2010: Complete return of pigmentation. Continued lowering of prednisone dosage. Every other day pred 20mg / skip a day / pred 10mg / skip / pred 20mg/ skip / pred 10 mg... Next step will be pred 15mg EOD then gradually 10mg EOD. All other meds and eyedrops remain the same.
June 28, 2010: After intense period of aggressive medication to put the disease back into remission. See earlier posts for medication routine.
May 31, 2010: at the start of the aggressive medication approach as the disease became more aggressive:
March 20, 2010: Relapse mid March. Increased pred from 5mg to 10mg for several weeks at no avail.
February 9, 2010: Continued improvement and stabilization with low doses of prednisone 5mg every other day alternated with azathioprine. Con't with niacinamide and Veterinary Immune Tabs daily. See earliest posts for complete medication program.
January 19, 2010: After several weeks of initial treatment and maintenance of 5mg pred every other day alternated with azathioprine. See earliest posts for complete med program.
December 8, 2009: Just biopsied and diagnosed as UVD. On the surface the disease attacks the margins at mucous membranes where pigment meets hairline; the lips, nose bridge, eyerims, paws, anus. Internally it also attacks the eye retina and nostrils and other mucous membranes. Here, prior correct treatment, Corky lost all black pigment on his lips: